Cannabis Social Clubs in Barcelona vs Coffeeshops in Amsterdam
Cannabis Social Clubs in Barcelona vs Coffeeshops
Before the green revolution hit the US, the social norms and taboos associated with cannabis
consumption in Europe had already been redefined and broken. In particular, two cities of the Old
Continent have become a focal point for cannabis enthusiasts: Amsterdam, renowned for its coffee
shops, and Barcelona, known for its cannabis clubs.
Many are wondering what the difference between coffee shops and weed clubs is; those who have
visited both have their own personal preferences, but we are here to provide you with an unbiased
answer to the question of which one is better: Amsterdam coffeeshops or Barcelona cannabis clubs.
What Are the Differences?
Going through the differences between coffee shops in Amsterdam and cannabis clubs in Barcelona
unveils a rich tapestry of cultural, legal, and economic differences that go beyond mere cannabis
Legal Status
Marijuana is legal for personal use in both Spain and the Netherlands, both of which have very strong
attitudes regarding hard drugs, such as cocaine, LSD, morphine, or heroin. However, soft drugs, such as
cannabis and cannabis products, are legal for personal use but not for free sale. Instead, cannabis
enthusiasts have to obtain their cannabis from coffee shops in Amsterdam or cannabis clubs in
Barcelona, both of which act as nicer versions of dispensaries.
However, there are certain differences. In Amsterdam, anyone older than 18 years could buy up to 5
grams (about a sixth of an ounce) legally in any coffee shop in the city. Additionally, the cultivation of
cannabis remains illegal, which means that coffee shops can’t legally replenish their stock and thus rely
on the black market.
Things work differently in Barcelona cannabis clubs. Instead of operating under the tolerance policy as
their cousins from the Netherlands, cannabis social clubs in Barcelona function as non-profit, private
entities where the cultivation and consumption of cannabis and cannabis products, such as edibles, is
permitted between members.
How Much Does it Cost?
The price comparison between the Spanish cannabis social clubs and Amsterdam coffee shops isn’t really
fair due to the difference in how they operate. Amsterdam coffee shops are open businesses, some of
which particularly cater to cannabis tourism and thus have set prices for different strains.
Additionally, considering that cannabis cultivation is still illegal, the prices are usually higher due to the
associated risks, but the cannabis and CBD products tend to be more high-quality.
In contrast, Barcelona’s cannabis clubs are more like collectives than businesses and typical
cannabis-friendly coffee shops. Members of a cannabis club typically pay a club membership fee, and all
members collectively contribute towards the cultivation and the club’s operating expenses. As a result,
the product tends to be much cheaper, which also affects the quality.
We’re not saying that the weed in cannabis social clubs is of poor quality; quite the contrary. What we’re
trying to say is that the quality varies more significantly compared to what Amsterdam coffee shops have
to offer. Additionally, they’re not typically open to tourists, and not all Barcelona weed communities are
open to new members.
Who Can Enter Cannabis Clubs vs Coffeeshops
Amsterdam coffee shops are open businesses, and according to the law and tolerance policy, they’re
open to anyone over the age of 18. For the most part, this also includes tourists, but some municipalities
around the Netherlands have “resident-only” rules which exclude tourists from being able to buy
Barcelona cannabis social clubs are vastly different, as they’re basically self-governing private entities
that typically aren’t open to tourists and, in nearly all cases, require an invitation from an existing
member for entry. Once a prospective member is invited, their application is thoroughly examined by the
board of directors before it’s approved or denied. All applicants have to be 18 or 21 years of age or older.
Regulation of Cannabis Clubs vs Coffeeshops
The regulations of cannabis clubs and coffee shops also differ significantly. Coffee shops, as businesses,
are more heavily regulated, so they can’t promote the use of cannabis, sell more than 5 grams to a
customer, or cause any form of nuisance to the public.
Meanwhile, as stated before, Barcelona’s cannabis clubs are self-regulated; however, they follow the
guidelines set by the Federation of Catalan Cannabis Associations, which focus primarily on responsible
consumption in a safe and controlled environment, and a healthier cannabis culture overall.
Just like Amsterdam coffee shops, even the best cannabis clubs in Catalonia are prohibited from
promoting, so beware of illegal promoters and their offers.
Where Is It Better to Smoke Weed, in Barcelona or Amsterdam?
Both cities provide a unique and socially-accepted space to relax on a sofa and take a few hits from the
bong. However, the difference in atmosphere is very different; Amsterdam coffee shops are a casual
business environment that has a wide range of offerings.
However, if you prefer a more communal and discreet atmosphere, then Barcelona’s cannabis clubs
might be more exciting. If you want to learn more about becoming a member, don’t hesitate to contact
the Dragons Chamber Club if you plan on visiting Barcelona.